Books by the late Rev. Eric Bascom

Although we no longer sell these books online, you can often find copies for sale on e-bay, and copies are sometimes available for sale at the Bascom reunions.


In Unbroken Line: New Hampshire’s First Woman Minister

By Eric Bascom

140 Pages, WeeBee Books 2008

                Elida Frost lacked nothing in terms of life’s mission: she wanted to go to China. But wanting and doing are not the same things. How she settled for a closer yet more distant objective, and the steps she took to get there are the ingredients for a zealous and durable life. 

                In mainline churches women have been ordained for years, but in the Congregational churches of New Hampshire Elida was the first to shatter the stained glass ceiling. In Up Where the House Burned Down Eric Bascom wrote of a family’s faithfulness but here’s how it looked from his mother’s point of view.

Also Available

Up Where the House Burned Down (Fourth Edition, 2008)

By Eric Bascom

289 pages, WeeBee Books


                When their parents died in a measles epidemic, the Bascom children kept the New Hampshire farm and launched themselves into lives of high achievement. It was an uphill struggle that kept the eldest in agriculture, sent the second into ministry and all into lives of outstanding usefulness. The farm today is a multi-million dollar maple business and more thab two hundred of their  offspring are on mission throughout the world. “It’s a ‘roots’ book… an amazing story of devotion and persistence… a good social history of 20th century agrarian northern New England… well-written, a good read.” –Barbara Akerman


Hank and the Widow Haley

166 pages, WeeBee Books

                 A stash of stories and essays that bring the author’s eye to bear on the fixes people get themselves into—his own included—that follow the twisting trail from the pimple-pocked mysteries of adolescence to the agonies of retirement golf and the yarns other golfers spin. Here’s how Hank gets his Down East farm, how Uncle Cal converts his shrewish wife into a dandy neighbor, and how the family wrings a single gallon of maple syrup out of forty gallons of ice-cold sap. “Delightful, great reading, evoking memories of the New England of another day… fast fading. The title story I consider a classic. So is The Wavy-Glassed Window. Every man over fifty who ever hefted a hammer… should read the When Rage is Righteous.” – George Wood, Jr.