Bascom reunion photos...
Below are some photos from past reunions, some recent, some long ago.
In addition, you can upload your own reunion photos to Facebook.
Here are the
Facebook photo albums sorted by the year of the reunion.
Click the link to see all the albums, or click on the year below you wish to view...
1949 Bascom Reunion Photos at Vilas Pool
1954 Bascom Reunion Photos at Vilas Pool
1956 Bascom Reunion Photos at Vilas Pool
1959 Bascom Reunion Photos at Vilas Pool
1962 Bascom Reunion Photos at Acworth Church
(more to come - 1965, 1968, 1971, 1974, 1977, 1980)
1983 Bascom Reunion Photos at Dean Bascom's farm
1986 Bascom Reunion Photos at Joe and Eileen Holmes' farm
1989 Bascom Reunion Photos
at Bascom Maple Farms
1992 Bascom Reunion Photos at Bascom Maple Farms
- 1995 (more to come, Tilton NH)
1998 Bascom Reunion Photos
at Harvey Bascom's farm
Bascom Reunion Photos at David and Lorna Bascom's farm
2004 Bascom Reunion Photos at Michael and Teresa Bascom's
2007 Bascom Reunion Photos at Charlie and Joan Bascom's at Cape
2010 Bascom Reunion Photos at Bascom Maple Farms
This photo below was taken at Harvey Bascom's farm, at the reunion held
there July25, 1998.

Here are the four
Bascom brothers from Langdon, New Hamphsire. Left to right are
Glenn, Eric, Merton, and Cecil at a reunion at Vilas Pool in the 1950's.
In the photo below they are in the same order at the 1986 reunion.
