From humble beginnings in 1949, the association has grown from a small related group of New Hampshire Bascoms to an association with several hundred cousins on the reunion mailing list.
The first reunion was held at Vilas Pool in Alstead, New Hamphisre in 1949. The family soon agreed on a schedule to hold reunions every three years. View the page on reunions past to see where these reunions were held.
The Bascom Reunion Association has been
collecting genealogy at these reunions and distributing copies of the
book "Thomas Bascom and his Descendants" which was published in 1870.
Nearly all Bascoms in the United States descend from the American
immigrant Thomas Bascom.
President | Mathew Bascom | email: |
Vice President | JoAnna Bascom Adrendarczyk | email: |
Vice President | Bill Bascom | email: |
Genealogist | Bradford Bascom | email: Brad@ BascomGenealogy . com |
Secretary | Becky Bascom Dechir | email: bascomsec |
Treasurer | Crystal Bascom | email: crbascom |